Google Business Listings
You can get more business for FREE! Let’s us help you make sure that you have claimed your Google listing.

Claim your Google My Business Listing! 

Sometimes, when we are meeting with new prospective clients who own their own business, one of the first things we find out, is that business owners have not claimed their Google Business listing! 

If you get overwhelmed, that’s okay.

Remember, we are here to help as well.

If you need help, just fill out our Contact Us form, or you can reach out to Joe Zeman directly via email at We will assist you for free!

For us at Valor, this is absolutely jaw droppingly frustrating …… because it is FREE! You can get more business for FREE! Google doesn’t ask you for a dime to do this. Now, there are some limitations to how much business this form of marketing can bring to your phone or front door, but that is a more in depth subject that we can tackle later. For now, let’s just make sure that you have claimed your Google listing or are fully taking advantage of this amazing marketing tool. Here are some simple steps that you can follow to claim your listing:

Steps for claiming your Google My Business Listing
  1. Go to
  2. Click on Business Listing
  3. Follow instructions on the Business Listing page
  4. When it asks if you deliver goods or services, select “yes” if you do and then select that you are home based business if your business is based from your home or an office location that you don’t want to broadcast.
  5. When you are prompted to “claim by mail”, there is an option that says “more options”. Click that.
  6. Select “claim later”
  7. Then fill out this form to expedite claiming your listing. CLICK HERE
  8. On this form, enter Valor Marketing LLC for the partner company.
  9. Enter for partner email.


  1. Claim your listing!
  2. OWN your listing. (Read “DO NOT’s” for more detail)
  3. Make sure your listing is linked from your website.
  4. Also make sure to correctly classify your business (for example if you are a lawyer, what type of law do you specialize in?)
  5. Add a business description on your Google business page (if you have a website, it may be easier to copy your introductory paragraph on your home page).  Tell people who you are, what you offer, what makes you different from your competitors.
  6. Encourage customers to leave reviews for you on your Google Business Listing.
  7. Upload high quality images of your business or product.


  1. Give control over your Google My Business listing to other companies! (like phone book companies)
  2. Don’t pay for services that claim to handle this listing for you! DON’T DO IT – no matter how good they sound. This is insane and businesses regularly pay massive amounts of money (sometimes every month) for a service that takes 20 minutes to handle.
  3. Don’t ignore your listing. Log in to your Google My Business listing portal every 6 months or so just to make sure that everything is up to date.

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