Marketing Strategies For Roofing Companies

Marketing Strategies For Roofing Companies

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Leaking Profits? How to Patch Up Lead Generation To Grow Your Roofing Company

Marketing can be difficult for any business to manage for many reasons, but mainly because you have to put your trust in something you don’t know what kind of a return you may or may not get.  Good news for you: we’ve been managing online marketing for businesses for 13 years and have a good understanding of what types of marketing work for your industry.

Now, I know you’re still asking yourself, how does this company truly know what’s going to work for my company?

Three reasons:

  1. Experience

  2. Honesty

  3. Data driven results


For roofing companies, there are a few types of marketing you should start with.

  1. Claiming your Google Map Business Profile and other online directories such as Bing Maps

  2. Building your online foundation with a website

  3. Setting up the social media profile that YOU understand the best

  4. Vehicle signage so people know who you are when you show up

  5. Business cards, flyers, & rack cards to hand out that explain what you offer and why someone should work with you


Besides these types of foundational marketing, investing in a marketing campaign and building a strategy around your goals really depends on where your business is currently at and how you want to grow.  So, here are 5 types of marketing that will help with lead generation.


  1. Pay per click marketing that includes Google Ads, LSA Ads or Google Guaranteed Ads, Bing Ads. This is a pay to play type of marketing, and budgets depend on many factors, but the two biggest is your coverage area and services you want to target. Here are some the benefits of using PPC:

– Increased Website Traffic

– Targeted Advertising

– Measurable Results

– Faster Results

– Budget Control

 if you are looking into Google Local Service Ads management yourself, here is the link to either use their budget estimatio tool or get signed up and start their onboarding process 

  1. SEO or search engine optimization is the process of improving your website to show up in search results on platforms like Google and Bing. The higher you rank for relevant searches, the more likely people are to visit your site.  There are really 3 areas of focus for SEO:

– On Page Work

– Off Page Work

– Technical SEO Work

  1. Direct Mail Marketing: while this could also be used for brand recognition, it’s also a good form of marketing to generate website traffic or increased phone calls.  With direct mail, you can target by:




-Age of home


-Whether someone is a homeowner

-How much equity they have in their

and other factors depending on your target audience. The key to a successful campaign is mailing out on a continual basis to the same people.

  1. Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads are a great way to target the audience you are looking to get in front of.  With these ads, make sure you are targeting the RIGHT locations.  All too often I get ads in my feed from an out of area company because they aren’t targeting the right locations near them.  Here are three advantages for social media ads:

– Targeted reach

– Cost effectiveness

– Measurable results

  1. Good old fashion canvassing in your targeting area.  This is just like it sounds, grabbing some rack cards or business cards and walking your communities door to door and trying to talk with people face to face.  Make sure to set clear objectives like:

– Gathering contact information

– Setting appointments

– Have a script ready that you’ve practiced

– Be ready to make a sale on the spot

– Your follow-up better be on point

In conclusion, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to lead generation for roofing companies. The most effective strategy will combine 2 or more online and offline marketing solutions tailored to your target audience and budget. Consider leveraging pay-per-click (PPC) ads for immediate visibility, SEO for long-term organic growth, and social media ads for targeted outreach. Don’t neglect traditional methods like direct mail and canvassing, which can still be successful in reaching specific demographics. By implementing a multi-channel approach, you’ll maximize your reach, generate a steady stream of qualified leads, and keep your roofing business thriving.

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